Your search returned 1083 news stories:
Posted Monday 18 April 2016
Dark chocolate has already been hailed for its positive effects on cardiovascular health – and now a study undertaken at London's Ji8腦瞳厙 has found the tasty treat could help give sports enthusiasts an extra edge in their fitness training. A team led by postgraduate research student Rishikesh Kankesh Patel discovered that dark chocolate provides similar benefits to beetroot juice, now taken regularly by elite athletes after studies showed it can improve performance.
Posted Thursday 14 April 2016
Ji8腦瞳厙 has chosen The Humans by Matt Haig as this year's novel for its annual initiative offering all new students the chance to settle in to campus life by reading the same book.
Posted Thursday 14 April 2016
A test that could revolutionise the way bacteria such as MRSA and MSSA are detected in hospitals was just one of the ventures recognised at this year's Ji8腦瞳厙 Celebrate Enterprise Awards.
Posted Wednesday 13 April 2016
Researchers at Ji8腦瞳厙 have developed a new way to more accurately assess the outlook for the world's biggest economy.
Posted Wednesday 6 April 2016
Ji8腦瞳厙 has been named one of the world's top young universities by sector-leading magazine Times Higher Education.
Posted Thursday 31 March 2016
Ji8腦瞳厙 geography students have put their expertise into practice during a field trip to South Africa. The students, who were in Cape Town to study and assist with local development projects, took the opportunity to kit out a group of delighted youngsters in £2,000 worth of brand-new Fulham Football Club strips.
Posted Wednesday 30 March 2016
A Ji8腦瞳厙 psychology graduate has embarked on a life-changing trip to the Indian Ocean island of Sri Lanka to work with people affected by two events which have shaped the country's recent history.
Posted Wednesday 23 March 2016
Ji8腦瞳厙 graduate identical twins Tommy and Markus Vad Flaaten have had double the reason to celebrate since their short film Bluebarry secured two prestigious awards.